CIB, FI CH, EE CH, SI CH, RU CH, BY CH, EE VCH, LV VCH, LT VCH, BALT VCH, RKFV-11, BALTVV-16 Miniblack's Blaze Of Glory 'Dolly'

Miniblack's Miniblack's Dolly     Dolly

narttu ~ female
Color: Brindle & White
DoB: July 24, 2008

~ Parents
~ Grandparents
~ Great Grandparents
~ 4th Generation
~ 5th Geneneration
SE CH, FI CH Oelandica's Nabucco 2. photo FIN CH, S CH
Kc's Rocket Man
USCH Kc's Armed And Dangerous US CH Kc's Genteels Ayeaye Captain Genteel's Opie Rfd
Genteel's Megan Beat Goes On
US CH Kc's Pistol Packing Momma US CH San-D's Pistol Pete By Joevee
US CH Kc's Bloomin Razzle Dazzle
Kc's That's So Nice US CH Incredible's Awsome Dawson Bar Nones Irresistible Marty
US CH Autumn The Cajun Queen
Kc's Captains May Day US CH Kc's Genteel's Ayeaye Captain
Kc's Exclamation Point
Oelandica's Mirella Freni
INT CH, NORD CH, DK CH, KBHV-02 Nevicata's Kevin Costner INT CH, NORD CH, FIN CH, DK CH, S CH, KbhW-96, SW-96 Miniblack's Oh Sweet Arnold FIN CH, S CH Mike-Mar's King Arthur
INT CH, FIN CH, EST CH, RUS CH, EstW-93, -96, VDH- Bayern Sg-97, W-99 Miniblack's Ain't She Sweet
INT CH, FIN CH, EST CH, PMV-97, V-97, ESTV-97 Maffi's X-Mas Maxima INT, FIN, EST, A CH, EST W-95, WW-96 Barroco's Ace Of The Race
FIN CH Fiilandicas Anniina
FIN CH, S CH Oelandica's Julia INT CH, NORD CH Oelandica's Habit Noir INT CH, NORD CH, DK CH Riley's Twice The Joey
INT CH, NORD CH, DK CH Bostmans Sophisticated Lady
INT CH, NORD CH, FIN CH, NV-99 SV-98 SV-99 Oelandica's Gioconda FIN CH, S CH, W-95 Cedrigo Klar-Kan
INT CH, N CH, S CH Oelandica's Ultissima
Miniblack's Candice Candle FIN CH Miniblack's For-U J'Ani'Sir FIN CH, S CH Mike-Mar's King Arthur Mike-Mar's Steele Special CH Ancoramn Special Brandywine
CH Zodiac's Star Brand's Megan
Mike-Mar's Dixie Of Witch's Wood CH Albelarm Rather Special
Mike-Mar's Special Deluxe
INT CH, FIN CH, EST CH, RUS CH, EstW-93, -96, VDH- Bayern Sg-97, W-99 Miniblack's Ain't She Sweet FIN CH, EST CH, EuJW-91 Rising Day Crown Prince FIN CH, S CH Pedro
FIN CH Miniblack's Mystery Magic
FIN CH Tinybeast Chilipepper Korsängens Jonatan
FIN CH Tinybeast Angel
Classic's Drina's Kenzina N CH, S CH Prinselia's Patric IntCh SCh NCh NV-94 SV-95 Classic's Killen-Khan INT CH, N CH, S CH Personia's Manolito
INT CH, NORD CH Finlandica's Sirikitt
Alexsandra INT CH, N CH, S CH, NV-91 Prinselia's Lord Douglas
Lille Venn's Britta
INT CH, S CH, DK CH, N CH Classic's Tessan's Zandrina INT CH, NORD CH, DK CH Finlandica's Rufus AM CH, NORD CH Hi-Stiles Family Tradition
CH Finlandica's Czarina
INT CH, NORD CH, DK CH, KBHV-95 Classic's Qvintessa Boncoeur Victor Ladorum
INT CH, N CH, S CH Classic's Nikita